Monday, July 16, 2007

Got Milk?

June, 11th....

Well my little man...

After much pain and many tears on your mommy's part, you are now strictly a formula fed baby. I've had a raging infection since you were born that caused major pain every time you nursed. It was such a bittersweet experience for me. There was nothing I loved more than holding you that close to me and watching you indulge in your favorite thing, but the pain just was too intense and I knew that I wouldn't be able to do it forever. I cried so much about it, feeling inadequate and guilty about not giving you the BEST that I could, but I tried pumpkin...So...after 8 weeks of trying every possible medication, I am drying it all up and feeding you formula. It's a little tough, a little sad, but we'll be all right. The upside is that you are a wonderfully sloppy bottle-eater. You get formula all over yourself. It is just another totally adorable thing about you. That, and that you try to grin while you are eating, which only adds to little white spittle of drool that spews forth from your sweet little mouth. You are a mess, and I love you with my life.

Love, Mommy.. .

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