Wednesday, December 5, 2007

What good is a "Bib?"

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My Messy Little Man,

I mean seriously.....what good is a bib when you make the biggest mess ever?? The only benefit I've seen thus far of wearing that silly thing is to protect the small piece of shirt that it covers....that's it. You have your moments of pretty good eating habits, like when we were in North Dakota, you were angel, (little do they know! :)....but for the most part you are nearly IMPOSSIBLE!! :) I just don't understand why you just can't open your mouth, take a bite, close your mouth, swallow and then repeat. Oh have to open your mouth, take a bite, put your whole fist in your mouth to feel the food as it squishes around....take your fist out, put it in your lap, getting it all over your pants...then take your next bite, put your fist in your mouth again, take it out and this time decide to feel your hair and see if it is still there, getting sweet potatoes, or carrots, or green beans all in your hair....take another bite, stick your hand in your mouth YET again, decide to kiss the nice cloth back of your highchair, and grab it at the same time, as I'm trying to stop you while I'm seeing yet ANOTHER load of laundry happening soon. My GOSH!!! You're not even a toddler yet.....don't even have ONE tooth to speak of and you're already a terror when it comes to eating!! :) I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come!! You are too funny..... I swear I'm not exaggerating about this one bit!!

I think I need to have a salon style set up..... You in a low, plastic chair with a cape tight around your neck with your arms hidden underneath.....Yes...that is what I imagine. How much easier that would be!! Somehow I still feel that you would find a way to make a mess even in that scenario. I've got to find a way to "nip this in the bud" now. How, I'm not sure, but I can't do this forever! :) It's funny to talk about, but not always so funny in the moment. :)

In other are just soooooooo very active. It's really unbelievable. I think back to when you were oh so tiny and couldn't do much but wave your arms... now, you are trying to climb all over everything and twisting and turning every which way to see and experience as much as possible. It is definitely becoming harder to keep up with you and you're not even crawling yet!! I'm starting to realize that I am REALLY going to have my hands full once that happens!!

You have learned how to "wave" hello and goodbye to people and now you want to wave at everyone and everything. It is sooooo cute. I just can't get enough of it. Your little hand gets pumping and it is just precious. You wave at the TV, you toys, the dogs and your own reflection. I love that you are starting to mimic and understand things....How much fun we will have!! I can't wait for every new little thing that you will do....

You are babbling "mamamamamamama" and "babababababababababababa" all the time.... and oftentimes at the top of your lungs.... You seem to really love the sound of your voice. It's pretty darn cute. You are just pretty darn cute.... I can't help it...I am hopelessly in love with you. Don't ever forget that my little munchkin..

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had the same messy eating problem and the only thing I found that came close to working is to give him a spoon to play with while I feed him. Occassionally though, he will stick the spoon down his throat and gag, so I have to get it out of his mouth before a bigger mess happens. Now that he's almost 10 months old, he takes the bite off my spoon, swallows, takes a bite off his (empty) spoon, and then opens again for mine. I love this new routine because he is getting really familliar with his spoon and the coordination to feed himself.