I can't believe it’s already 2008?! How is it possible? We are usually at Copper Mountain for all the festivities that take place, but this year it was sooooo cold so we just stayed in, played games, watched the movie Ratatouille (SOOOO Cute!) and of course, our family tradition, banged pots and pans in the middle of the street at midnight!!! Hehehehe....That was hilarious. Someday I think Caden will really enjoy that. :) Just one year ago we were at Copper Mountain and was 5 months pregnant....
2007 has been quite a year with many milestones, many tears and uncertainty, but also proud accomplishments. It marked the end of a successful, full term pregnancy that I actually really enjoyed. (I MISS being pregnant!!!) I actually never felt better!!! Til the end of course.....ohhhh the back....and of course Caden's love for my RIBS, where you jammed his foot as often as possible. :) He decided to make his entry into my world on April 15th.....TAX DAY!! THis year I have conquered a few sleepless nights, many yellow runny blowout diapers, vaccinations, a few fevers, teething, and too many joyful moments with Caden to even begin to name. I've discovered that I am made of A LOT and can do anything I put my mind to...Sticking with breastfeeding when I wanted to quit because it hurt so much those first two months, treasuring those special bonding moments, and feeling accomplished having made it to 9 weeks A first 4th of July, first beach trip to see Uncle Matty, first trip to Oregon to see Uncle Joey and Aunt Desiree, first Halloween, first trip to Mexico to meet his grandparents, first Thanksgiving to North Dakota to see Gramma and Grampa Aga, and first Christmas with Nana and Poppa in Beautiful Colorado.
A year of amazement at how fast time goes and how fast he grows with it. I just want to freeze time and yet it seems to be speeding up even faster. More new things....A new office change for me in joining a "team". Me coloring my hair my natural color for the first time ever!! Gabby and Max having puppies! Me starting to write more than ever and loving it.... And being more BROKE than ever! :) In short? It’s been a year that I define as a year that has shown what we are made of. I've had a lot on my plate, and yet, with God's help and all my friends, I've done it all quite well. I’m proud of this year. Let’s hope this coming year is even better!
If you are like me, I am not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions. I tart ‘cringing’ at the word ‘Resolution’. And I do make resolution lists, but find calling them ‘Goals’, works better for me in the longrun, and I can stick to my list longer, without feeling like such a failure by giving up two weeks later, as the New Year has just begun. Last night I began thinking about what I would like to be different or help make next year a better year for me and my family.
1.)Personally, I really want to get to church more often....It hasn't been very easy since Caden was born, and I hate to have people I don't know watch him, but I need to get over it and just go. It's too important not to.
2.)Of course, the usual goal of working out. I definitely need to get rid of this post-baby belly flab!!! It's driving me CRAZY!!!
3.) Take more walks and longer ones, not just around the block, but a real walk. And take the dogs along.....they need that extra attention.
4.) One thing I really enjoy is reading, and when I was younger, you would always find me with a book in hand. Now with my busy days, it is soo hard to even get a gook in every couple months. I am making it one of my goals to read at least one book a month.
5.) Be more organized. I can dream can’t I!! I’d like to try and keep my desk cleaned off, my house dust free, and my InBox with less than 500 emails.
6.) In the coming year, I would like to create a financial monthly budget in alternative income. Who knows in what, but I'll figure out something!!
Here’s to another year of growth, love, and writing. Happy New Year!!! Here is our year in pictures:
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