Hello my little guy...
OK, so its been ENTIRELY too long since I've written. I HATE when I'm not writing to you...it just makes me feel icky! :) This past week has just been a whirlwind and I literally have not had TWO extra minutes to do a thing for myself, or get on this computer for any type of pleasure writing. I've written several contracts this past couple weeks though, so that's AWESOME! On top of all that "busyness" we have been sick and it's not been fun. We've definitely had our fair share of runny noses, sneezing, blowing our noses, and coughing this past couple weeks. I am simply exhausted. I don't even know how I'm writing this right now as I have a fever even as I type....I just don't want to get too far behind with all that I want to write about you.
So I was going to the restroom the other morning, with you holding on to my legs talking to me and I just thought.....wow.. how things have changed! So much for any amount of privacy I was ever used to! I've even had to keep the door open in a public restroom cause I couldn't get your stroller in the stall and I wanted to be able to see you. Talk about no shame!:) Speaking of public restrooms, I never knew they would be so difficult at times trying to juggle a little one. Seriously....I never imagined that with a baby in my arms I'd be able to use my foot to do everything except wipe! Sometimes I don't know how I get it all done without you ending up on the floor peeking out under the stall waving at others. That day may come..... GOD I hope not! :) And don't even get me started on the bathrooms that don't have baby changing stations!!! Oooooo that makes me mad!
You, my child, are hilarious. You just don't sit still for two seconds...just walking or crawling around looking for something that you can either open or close, or a cabinet or drawer that you can completely empty out. You have these toy bins filled with toys and you will literally go over and take every last toy out one by one. You don't even look at them, you just toss over your shoulder. Same with your mommy's nightstand drawer and the kitchen Tupperware cabinet. Empty, empty, empty...that's what your mind is saying it seems...... So cute. Here is a picture of your new toy bin.
You are so close to walking all on your own. You'll hold on to something with just a finger and seem to contemplate letting go. I'm just waiting for you to take off...
Here is a video of you walking around the railing making all sorts of cute noises....
Your hair my little man, is SOOO out of control.... :) I just don't even know how to handle it, or fix it..... I wonder if I should cut it sometimes, but it is the cutest thing ever, so I leave it. But part of it is curly and part of it is straight, and there is just no order. Hehehehe.....I have to say it is the thing you get the most attention for!!! So...we were playing the other day and I tried to put your hair in a mowhawk. This is how it turned out...
I'm trying to get a picture of you in your new "sleeping state"....It is the cutest thing EVER. It's like you were sitting up and just leaned forward and put your head down on your feet. So you're sleeping, but sitting up still.... Oh my gosh it's so precious, but soooo doesn't look comfortable. Whatever!!! :) I WILL get that picture....I HAVE TO!!!
You are sleeping now but about to wake up soon, so I'll say goodbye for now, but I'll be writing more really soon!! I love you my little munchkin....You are my world...
Love, Mommy
Caden, Oh how I LOVE your mowhawk! You'll have to sport that look in your teen years. The girls will love it! :) Miss you.
Auntie Erica
I miss you so much!! You are getting cuter every time I see a new picture of you. I wish I was closer to see you and your mommy more.Love you.
Aunt Kara
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