Sunday, February 3, 2008

Toys? What toys?


Hi my little boooooooooooo.....

You are just so funny. I swear, you have me laughing every day..and RUNNING around chasing you too!! Geez child! You are all OVER the place! It is amazing that one week I could sit you down on the floor, even leave the room for a minute, come back and find you relatively in the same place. The next week......HELLO!!! NOT EVEN CLOSE!! You are speedy crawler now and getting into EVERYTHING UNDER THE MOON! I didn't even REALIZE I had so many things for you to get into! I thought I was just fine and prepared for this...NOT! You could CARE LESS about toys at this point. These are the things that are MUCH more fun and interesting to you right now:

The stereo....oh how you love to open and close the tape decks and try to chase the digital words across the screen. Hours of endless fascination with this electrical "toy."

All of the cords under my desk....Oh BOY do you love THOSE! NOT a very safe place for you to hang out. If I had a penney...even just a PENNEY for all the times I've had to pull you out from under that desk of mine, we would be shopping at Gucci right now. :)

The fake ficus tree WAY in the corner of the room.....I swear its like you have a one track mind when you are wanting to get into something, and this is one of your favorites. I can put you on the OTHER side of the room and you are back to the tree in about 1.5 seconds. You love to grab the moss out of the bottom and attempt to taste it. My gosh child! I think I'm just going to have to take that out the room....its just WAY too much temptation for you. :)

Another favorite is all the little door stoppers behind the doors... You love to grab them and make them go "boooooing!" You do it over and over and over. It's hilarious. I've had to take all the little white caps off the ends cause you've already tried tasting those too.... :)

I keep some papers and things underneath some of the couches and the big ottoman. You love to lay down and try to pull things out from underneath there. I don't know what you big obsession is with finding hidden treasure or something! Oftentimes you'll grab something, pull it out and start shredding away. Not always good!!! You are my little paper shredder for sure... :)

Basically, anything that is NOT a toy is just way more interesting to you right now. Its too funny.. You are just into EVERYTHING. I mean EVERYTHING. I am definately more worn out now than at any other time since you were born! I think usually its the opposite for most mothers....they are so sleep deprived when the baby is born and then it gets easier. Opposite for me! Actually, things aren't hard though....they never have been with you. You're too perfect.....just more tiring, thats all. In a wonderful, exciting and new way!! I love you so much...

I feel like I haven't written in forever cause I've just been soooo busy and so stressed lately. You have not been feeling so great and its just been hard. It's been about 10 days now that you have been soooo congested. Constant nose running, coughing, trouble sleeping cause you can't breathe, and for 3 days now a fever of 102. My poor boo boo. Amidst all of this you are still happy as can be for the most part. You are just the trooperest trooper of all troopers!!!! I swear! No matter what the situation you are just a breeze. I thank my lucky stars all day. Most babies would be sooo whiny right now. Not you. :) Thank you for that. The doctor has you on some antibiotics...not because you are sick....its just teething....but because you are just so very congested. Your poor nose....always running and of course you HATE when I wipe about WHINY then!! You're always blowing little snot bubbles out of your nose, which you then delight in smearing across your hand and into your hair. Nice.

So for now I will snuggle with you and give you fluids and love all over you until you feel better. I will sing sweet songs to you and take cool baths with you. I will dance you across the living room floor and I will rock you in those rare moments when you aren't feeling well that you will let me. I'll put vapo rub on you and flush out your nose so you can breath better. All these things and more I will do for you every time you are sick, until you are well my precious, precious boy. Feel better soon....I'm ready to romp around with you again!!

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

Erica said...

Well, Caden, it's been too long since I have seen your little face! Snot and all. I have been working and your mom and I have had very different schedules lately, but don't worry, we'll get it together! I'm having withdrawls. But, I wanted to say "Way to go" on the crawling. Your mom really hasn't got enough to do. She's honestly very bored, and she likes to chase you! :) And, I'll be glad when you aren't "constipated" anymore (ask your daddy about that one). Love you, just wanted to remind you!

~Auntie Erica