Friday, November 23, 2007

Caden's First Thanksgiving

Hi my little "turkey...." :)

Well, you just experienced your first "Thanksgiving Experience!" Boy did we eat alot of Thanksgiving food!!!! Yum, yum, yummy!!! This is definitely your mommy's favorite meal of the year. I look forward to it all year long, and I swear my taste buds start watering the week of the "big day" in anticipation of the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, (a lot of them!) sweet potatoes, cranberry, green bean casserole, olives, sea foam salad, and of course the pumpkin pie with lots of whipped cream!! You even had quite a few new things! I fed you some regular mashed pototoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry, and even some sea foam salad! We were amazed how much you ate, and how very eager you were for each bite!! Yay Caden!

Every year I stuff myself crazy and wish I hadn't....and every year I wonder why I wait a whole year to eat this heavenly mixture. Why don't I make this another time of the year? After all, this is no "rule" that says you can't have this concotion any other event of the year. Each year I vow that I will, and then another year rolls by without me following through with that plan. Maybe that's why this meal is so special...cause it's anticipated all year long. It's like a "sacred experience." I just love Thanksgiving. More than just all the yummy food, I want you to always remember the TRUE reason that we celebrate this holiday. I want you to always be thankful for all that you have my little man. You are so blessed and so loved, and God has an amazing plan for your life. It shouldn't take a Holiday for us to give thanks, it should be every single day, but I never want this holiday to pass without you acknowledging to everyone the things that you are thankful for. This year, the thing I was most thankful for was you. I kept whispering my thanks for you all day long...but that's not unusual...I do that most the time.

You were an angel on the flight up here. We flew from Nashville to Minneapolis and you slept most of the way, and then we went from Minneapolis to Minot and again you slept. Yay! When you were awake you seemed mesmerized looking out the window. I got some cute pictures of you.... We had our own row so you were able to sleep and play with plenty of room. Thank God for that! :) Everyone on the flight was just enamored with you. How is it that you get sooooo much attention?? I swear, it is unbelievable. Your smile just makes so many people's days....You just don't even realize it.

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We've had alot of fun so far up here in chilly North Dakota. It's pretty darn cute to see you all bundled up for the cold. You seem to love it, and you look as snug as a bug in a rug! :) It's nice to be back, and you are having fun playing with your Gramma and Grampa! You are absolutely and completely MESMERIZED with your grampa. We just can't believe it....You will NOT take your eyes off of him and you are just in love. I think it could be his mustache. :) All I know is that you just light up when he is anywhere near. It is sooo cute. He's teaching you alot of things.....(that is for another blog...hehehe)

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I'm glad that we have this time here to see the whole family, and I'll share more later, but I wanted to tell you again how very thankful that I am for you. You have forever changed my life for the better and I am so incredibly in love with you......Thank you Caden!!!

Love, Mommy

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