Saturday, November 3, 2007



Tomorrow melts into yesterday and soon my little Caden will be grown up. He is almost a teenager... He’s turning six months soon. :) I know that the next 12 years will go by way too quickly. Time speeds up exponentially when you have a little one.
So I blog. Not necessarily because any of you are interested in my day, or my beautiful son, or my obscure ramblings. I blog so that I will remember who I was today. I blog so that I will remember every little thing Caden does. It does my soul good. And as I pause to write, it helps me slow down for a moment and treasure my son, my family, my friends, and my day. As stressful and as hard as things can be at the end of the day, that is all that matters, and that is what warms my soul. Go easy on me time......I'm not ready to give these moments up quite yet....

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