Saturday, March 8, 2008

I Need Some Wine after all this Whine....

Hey Buddy,

It’s 11 o’clock and I’m ready for bed, but I thought I’d write a quick note to you before jumping in that direction. I hope I don't bore you with all my repetitious comments, but I can’t seem to stop telling you how crazy in love with you that I am. It is intense and overwhelming how vast my love is for you.

You are kind of in a snuggly phase, which I love beyond words. Sometimes you are definitely a little needy, but since you seem to be teething, and possibly in pain, I am not overly worried about indulging your desire for affection. You just seem to want to be held right now, reaching out for me with your hands, looking towards me when you are with another person, following me around when I’m doing something else. You are getting into giving little hugs, which are surprising and delightful.

You seem to know that I am a person that you have fun with, someone with whom you can make laugh. We have alot of fun together throughout the day learning new things and creating new experiences. I am trying to remember that you are not mine to mold. I consider you on loan from God, and that in passing you on to me, God knew my strengths and limitations. You were chosen for me because we are meant to be a lovely complement to one another, and can help each other grow in unique ways.

So anyway, I just wanted to establish how much I love you cause I'm about to complain just a teensy, weensy, little bit. These last few days have been some of my hardest since I've been your mommy. Especially Friday. I think I almost suffered a breakdown. And this is why..... WHINING......Lots and lots of Whining.
Whining for me to pick you up EVERY second, and when I put you down....Whining. Whining when I pick you up again.
Whining when I change your diaper.
Whining when I change your clothes.
Whining cause you're hungry.
Whining when I'm actually feeding you like you wanted.
Whining cause you want to touch things you're not supposed to.
Whining cause I'm not paying attention to you for 2.5 seconds.
Whining cause the dog won't let you grab her face in a vice grip for the 100th time. Whining cause mommy actually has to go the the bathroom once in a blue moon and doesn't particularly want you holding on to her legs this time.
Whining cause you want in your walker.
Whining cause 2 minutes after I put you in it, you want out.
Whining cause I have to put you in your carseat.
Whining cause Mommy doesn't have long enough arms and legs to drive while sitting in the backseat playing with you.
Whining cause you're tired.
Whining when I put you to bed.
WHINE WHINE WHINE!!!!! Good LORD CHILD!!! :) I'm not sure exactly WHAT is causing this latest whining streak.....I do know that you have 4 teeth about to break through on top and I'm a PRAYING that this is what is causing you to be a little "Whine Monster" lately cause your mommy is about to lose her marbles!! :) I've never heard such whining from you! You've never really whined this has been a treat I tell ya! :) So please hurry up and pop those teeth through buddy.....I'm not sure how much more this woman can handle! :) It BETTER be the teeth though....that's all I can say!! This is what you've looked like the past 3 or 4 days...

So yeah....the only time the whining hasn't gone on is when you have been doing this....and check out what you are doing in your sleep!! Soooo cute I could almost forget about the whining....almost.... :)

So...because you've given me such a hard time this week I am feeling like I want to post THIS picture so that I can smile some more....You'll probably kill me for this some day but it's so precious I can hardly stand it!! :) I love you boo boo....please feel better soon.....

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What cute little butt cheeks! I'm right there with ya, sister. The whining DRIVES ME CRAZY! I'm about ready to stick my little guy in his crib with some toys and close the door for a few hours of peace and quiet! But if I did that I think I'd feel like a meany mommy. I'm almost willing to give it a try and just deal with my guilt! I, too, hope it's a teething phase... please!!!