Monday, March 3, 2008

Piglet and Woobie

Hey little man....

I just put you to sleep not long ago and I just went and checked on you and I have to are SOOOOO precious. Sooo darn precious. You now only sleep on your tummy with your legs tucked under you and your bum way up in the air. Slay me now, you are too cute!!! I've always thought that was the cutest way kids slept...

Well, you have now attached yourself to two things. And when I say you've attached yourself, I mean you don't go far without either one. It is absolutely one of the cutest things you've done so far. I am just in love with silliness. You just make me laugh all the time!

The main thing right now is this miniature small yet it has claimed your heart....:) It belongs to one of your bath toy collections, but now travels everywhere you do. You could care less about Pooh or Tiger....its all about the Piglet. You literally have it in your fist or mouth at all times!! So funny.... Here is your little guy

Your other "must have" is your of the softest blankets we have you are just in love with it. You drag it with you when you crawl and when you're walking around you have trouble manuevering without stepping all over it. You still would rather have it! If Piglet is in your mouth, the blanket is in your hand. If the blanket is in your hand then Piglet is in your mouth...... One or the other!! :)

I love you my sweet pea....Cant wait to watch you play tomorrow.....

Love, Mommy

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