Saturday, November 24, 2007

Almost Crawling and Still No Teeth

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My Dear Wiggle Worm,

My goodness you are non-stop boy....and you can't even crawl yet! You just cannot sit still for a second...always wanting to stand up in my lap and jump, or twist and turn around trying to view everything in the room in a panoramic view. You just can't get enough motion, views, and interaction. How in the WORLD am I going to keep up with you when you are crawling, and even worse yet, walking?? I can already tell you are going to wear me out!!! Your grandparents are trying desperately to teach you to crawl while we are here, much to my hesitation!! :) Your grampa is "teaching you" as you will see from this video..... (too cute) He has me cracking up for sure!!

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You are pretty much an expert sitter now. Only when something excites you beyond the normal arm flailing, do you sometimes fling yourself backwards and hit the floor. I still put a pillow behind you in case that happens, as a little safety measure since you don't like hitting your head so much, but you are pretty darn sturdy now, and it is rarely needed. Way to go Caden! You'll just sit there for 10 minutes at a time just entertaining yourself with some of your favorite toys. These include, your FAVORITE toy, which is a little gadget that my cousin Jennifer gave me that talks and plays a few songs. (this toy will be the death of me as I am already about to go CRAZY if I have to hear these songs a million more times. Thanks alot Jennifer!) One of the icons is a blue car and it plays a car song that goes "Lets go riding in my car it's nice and blue....Let's go riding in my car that's what we'll do.....Let's go riding round and round, we'll go up and up and down....Let's go riding in my car just me and you." THEN, there is a red boat icon that plays "Sailing, sailing, I can sail with you....I can sail my little red boat, on the ocean blue." And last but not least, there is the yellow house icon that sings "In the yellow house puppy's ready to go....out in the garden where flowers up the door with the big green key...come on out and play with me." Oh God...I swear I hear these songs in my dreams. They won't get out of my head. I'm losing it... :) Don't anyone think of getting him any toys that play songs! Mommy can't handle it! :) Some of your other favorites right now include a blow up microphone that your nana gave me for my birthday about 10 or more years ago, a spinning ball, a little mirror, measuring cups, a red rattle and some twisty noise makers. It's so amazing that a seven month old can favor certain toys....I'm so glad that you can so thoroughly entertain yourself with your toys at such a young age. You are just sooo good.

So you've gotten to meet your GREAT grandparents this trip and they are just amazed at how good you are....It is really sweet to see you sitting on their laps just mesmerized by them. One time you just got ahold of my grampa's neck and just held on so tight he thought he would choke! You didn't want to let go! Hehehehe... I'm so glad that you have gotten to meet both sets of your great grandparents....that is so rare.

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We have taken soooo many funny pictures this trip (are you surprised?) which will be revealed on the last day.... Everyone is going to die laughing... :) However, I will give everyone a sneak peek of a few that we took this evening....

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We had an "early Christmas" and your new Gramma made you some awesome things!! She crocheted a little camouflaged sweater for you that is sooo cute, and made a soft fleece Curious George blanket. She even made a monkey for you!!! He is about your size and is so cute!!! We named him Tommy....and there is a reason for that that I cannot post on the blog.....:) Someday maybe I'll tell you.... :) Thank you so much Gramma!! and Grampa for you moral support!! :)

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Well I wish you've been able to play the evil game "UNO" with us....We've been having a blast with that. WHY do I play that STUPID game?? :) Hahahaha.... I can't wait for the day that you can join in honey.... I just can't wait to do so many things with you. I already have such a blast with and I just know that it will continue to become more and more fun, if that is possible! I love you I love you I love you!! And don't even THINK about crawling anytime soon!!! Good night my love....

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your video is so funny! Wesley was even laughing. I love that you're worried about him crawling. The day Wes figured out how to move his hands, he crawled right over to the ottoman and pulled up to "cruise" around the house. I was like, "Oh my goodness, we are in TROUBLE NOW!"