Monday, February 2, 2009

An ER Visit Was Not What I Had in Mind Today...

Hi my little accident prone munchkin,

Are you TRYING to give your mother heart failure this week? I may not have quite had that yet, but I know I've probably got 50 more gray hairs on my head today. Sheesh boy! What am I going to do with you? Between you almost biting your tongue off last week and today's incident they may need to send me to the ER too!

So I got a job watching a family's two little girls twice a week, on Monday and Wednesday. One little girl is 2, Naomi, and the other is 4 months old, Lily. Today was my first day so I loaded you up and we arrived at 7:30 this morning. All was going fine until you decided, less than three hours on the job, that you were going to do a face plant into their wonderful ornate, wooden coffee table. I didn't realize the extent of the injury until the blood started GUSHING.....Head wounds are the worst.... My heart SUNK. I was like I felt it pounding in my stomach when I saw the wound and KNEW what had to be done. First, I was so very sad that you were going through that pain, and secondly, I was thinking of what I was going to say when I had to make that call to the mother. How very comforting for her to have ME there! I guess at least it was MY child, and not one of HERS!

I called her up, with you screaming in the background, and immediately said "That's not your child crying, that's not your child's mine!" I just told her that you needed to go to the emergency room, so she needed to come back. I took you to the hospital and your daddy met us there. Poor guy...he was so afraid for you. You were such a trooper even there at the hospital.....You smiled for all the ladies getting your vitals. You even said thank you! The emergency doctor that took care of you was a gift from Heaven. I couldn't have prayed up a better and sweeter doctor for you. He had a little guy at home too, and knew just what to do to help make things easier for you.

I guess these days instead of doing stitches, unless it's a really big cut, they do a glue procedure.....just glue you right up! They say it's better than stitches for the scarring, and the healing process it faster. It's not so fun to do it, but it's a little better than the stitches. Holding you down for that procedure was pure HELL for me....You looked at me almost as if I was betraying you. You were trying to push me away and it just ripped me up. More than anything today, that look has stuck with me and makes me want to cry. I'm so sorry boo boo. If only you knew how much I would give my whole LIFE for you not to feel the slightest amount of pain, you would know you didn't have to look at me like that. :( Your pain was fleeting, and mine still seems to linger. I just am already dreading the next event. Crazy I know, but it just makes me scared too. I never loved anything so much in my life and I just want to protect you with everything I am, but I know I cant always do that....So I'm learning.

I just hate that your precious face had to be marred in any way. Thank GOD it was not right in the middle of your forehead! Your Uncle Sergio is a plastic surgeon though, so if for some reason you don't like your scar, he can fix it. Your Uncle Joey reminded me tonight to tell you that.... "Chicks dig scars....." So just keep that in mind... :) Again...PLEASE don't be accident prone like your Uncle Joey!!! PLEASE!!! I BEG OF YOU!!! :) were such a trooper today and yet again I am overflowing with pride and love for you. Thank you for making my life soooo worth living.....even when you are giving me premature gray hairs. (sort of premature...ok...I'm old) I love you bunches and millions!

Love, Your Mommy

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