Monday, February 11, 2008

Hangin' On and Dotin' Mom

Hey little man of mine,

You are FINALLY asleep....naptimes have been a little more strained as of lately since all you want to do is stand up in your crib and throw things out. After two days of that you now have nothing in your crib.... :) I mean, you were pitching your pacifiers ACROSS the room. I have found one ON your changing table on the other side of the room. Goodness have an arm!!! So...our naptimes have consisted of me coming in your room about TEN times to lay you down and say... "It's nap time!" until you finally give up. Sheesh boy!! :) I have mentioned how you hold on to my dresser drawer for long periods of time while I get ready or am cleaning my room....... this doesn't last as long now though, you grab the walls and manuever yourself around the whole room. It's so pitifully cute.... I snapped a couple pictures of you holding on the the dresser the other day.

I’ve been reading some mom blogs recently to try to get a feel for what other mothers are putting out into cyber-land, and I have to say I’m a little disappointed. Some of the most popular blogs are really negative, moms just bitching about the rigors of child-rearing. Undoubtedly these women love the socks off their kids, but it seems they are writing for the audience, and I don’t really dig it. After all, one day their little person is going to look back and see a lot of griping. I guess it’s dreadfully uncool to dote and drool over your baby, but I’ve never been that cool anyway. I love writing about the best parts of all this wonder, and I'm not afraid to express how I truly feel.

I adore you. Absolutely, completely and totally adore you. I can’t imagine that the day will ever come when you are not my first thought in the morning and the last thought I have before I shut my eyes to go to sleep. I tell God “Thank You” all the time because in you He gave me the greatest, coolest, most joyful gift in all the world. People say all the time “They’re so cute at that age, you hate to see them grow up.” As much as I do feel that way, and I ache to see you growing so fast, I couldn’t disagree more. I can’t wait to watch you grow every day. You have become more and more fun with every day that passes, and I think the best is yet to come.

Hurry up and wake up so we can play!!

Love, Mommy

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