Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Hardest Job You'll Ever Love :)

You hear debates raging all the time about working moms vs. stay-at-home moms. Some claim that being a mom in general is not that hard. Busy maybe, but not hard. I mean, is reading books and changing diapers and playing with balls and cars all day really that tough? Maybe not...but it was today! :)

First I had to switch over the wet laundry from the washer...where it had been sitting forgotten for days...(gosh DARN it I hate when I do that!) While doing that, I almost KILLED myself tripping over the MOUNTAIN of laundry that was still waiting to be done. Then I had to wash his sippy cups by hand (because the dishwasher was full of dirty dishes of course), made his pancake and banana breakfast, fed him, and then spent 10 minutes cleaning the bananas off of everything in sight.

While I was doing this, Caden wandered into the family room and managed to topple off his Lego Box and collide with something...who knows happens many times a day. Whew! So... then I had to spend a few minutes cuddling my child, which I always love, and explain to him about not standing on high places. Yeah right...I knew it was only a matter of time. :)

I forgot that we were almost out of diapers and we were completely out of the diaper refills...major necessity,,so it was off to the Walmart we went, only of course after loading child, stroller, sippy cup, and diaper bag into the car. Remember, child weighs roughly the same as a bag of wet cement. Not always easy! hehehe
First we needed gas and, oh, right, a quick stop to the bank and of course after Walmart I forgot one of the MAIN things I went for, so needed to stop by another place and unload and reload again. By this time Caden had lost all patience for some reason and was wanting to refuse to get back into the car seat. Oh yeah? Like that is an option? Geez... When I FINALLY got him he decided to let me know how ticked he was in the way of SCREAMING for 5 min.....not a common thing for him. What was the deal with this day???

When we got home, I discovered that a glass candle that I had left burning..oops...had shattered all over the table and floor. Lovely. After I got that cleaned up...not easy as Caden was trying to get in the middle of it all...I let the dogs inside to help me entertain Caden for a bit so I could do a little cleaning. A little relief right? Huh! Not five minutes after I let them in, then my male dog Max proceeds to puke all over the floor. Hello!! What the HECK? I have NEVER seen that dog puke before in my life! Caden immediately begins splashing in the dog puke before I can even get to him fast enough. Into the bath we went. After wrestling him and his 56 bath toys in and out of the tub, it was time for lunch. The mealtime sequence was repeated yet again. I was already dreaming of the quiet time to be had during him naptime......

During Caden's nap I thought I would bring my female dog Gabby inside to spend a little time with me while I relaxed and attempted to get some work done, but my phone kept ringing so work was not to be done, THEN my doorbell rang like THREE times in a row, which made the dog bark, (CRAP!!) which woke up Caden. Naptime was cut short. Are you kidding me? Seriously? And the kicker? It was some little kids on our street asking to play with the puppies....the puppies that have been gone for over a month now. Oh gosh, shoot me now. Then, it started raining just as he woke up which was sooo not good as "outside" is where he only wants to be these days. So...we were stuck inside, which wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have the migraine that I had today. The afternoon passed ever so slowly in a fog of snacks, Play-Doh, crayons, time-outs for improper use of Play-Doh and crayons, and various other activities. Please get home daddy... :0

We went outside anyway, and after Caden got soaked splashing in the dog’s water bowl in the THREE seconds I wasn't watching, I decided to change him into his PJs early. The last clean pair. Less than half an hour later, he had his first diaper blowout since he was like TWO months old. Unbelievable. I just used a bunch of wipes to clean him WAY was I going to do another bath! Of course, changing his diaper is, like I've said before, an Olympic Event. Note the picture...just a tiny glimpse. :)I went to check the dryer for clean PJs. The dryer had stopped working and I was met with a wad of wet clothes...must be that DARN birds nest that is in my dryer vent. NO WAY is this day actually happening to me! I mean, HOLY COW! Talk about overwhelming! By this time, Caden was hungry for dinner, so the mealtime sequence is repeated AGAIN.

I still don’t know what people are smoking when they say that being a mom is not hard. Maybe their kids are boring and silent. Maybe they stick them in front of the TV all day while they attend to their own needs. All I know is, that besides being the most rewarding and amazing thing that I've ever known in my life, it is also the hardest job I've ever done. A job I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

Thanks for letting me vent about my day! Sheesh!!!


Anonymous said...

All the hard work is definitely worth all the hard work!!

Anonymous said...

It's such a relief to know that you have days like this, too! I am notorious for getting everything packed into the car to go grocery shopping, but once I get there, realize I've left my shopping list at home. So I try to wing it as best I can, but end up having to go back later that day... GRRR!

Yesterday, I gave Brendan a bath. Afterwards, I let him run around without a diaper for a while to "air out." Before I could stop it, both Brendan and our new puppy were peeing on the carpet! I didn't know which one to grab first! I decided to after the puppy and put her on her pee paper in the kitchen, then I went after Brendan. By that time, the puppy followed me back to the living room and started peeing again! Ugh! So I go to the puppy again and hear a waterfall type of sound coming from Brendan's side of the room, he was peeing again! Are you fricking kidding me?!?

Daniel said...

Oh man I remember so many days like this. It doesn't necessarily end when they get bigger.... it just morphs into other craziness..... like why in the world can't they hit the toilet when they pee..... why do they have to pee all over the wall, seat and floor before any acutally gets in???? UGH..... Then there is endless grumpiness when they are feeling well, "no I don't like that kind of cheese, meat, dinner, lunch, syrup, O.J......" get over it!

Whew, and then they go to bed and while they sleep they look like little angels and you forget your no good, very bad day :o)

Thank God for grace for each day!