Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Hello my perfect child....

I miss you right now! (Pouting) You've been asleep for 3 hours now, but you look so stinkin' cute in your crib I just want to crawl right in with you and cuddle up to your sweeetness. (I can't tell you how many times I've actually wanted to do that) You are soooo cute when you are sleeping. It makes my heart actually ache just looking at you. I've missed writing to you so much these past weeks and I feel like I've forgotten so many things already, but I wanted to share a few cute things about you.

I decided a few days back that I was going to teach you a word a day. I mean REALLY teach you a word. That day just happened to be CAR since you just LOVE cars so much. You are such the typical boy.......WHAT is it with boys and CARS??? What's the big fascination all about? they go...they get us around...they make noise. My gosh, you'd think it was a spaceship on wheels or something! So anyway....all day we played with cars and I kept saying CAR, CAR, CAR, CAR....over and over and over until I was sick of myself. I couldn't tell if it was even sinking in as you never really repeated me, just looked at me as if to say,,"ok mom...I got it the first couple hundred times." So yes, I said it alot, but I just wanted you to learn! Well, the next morning I heard you babbling in your room and I went in to get you and the first word out of your mouth to me was "CAR?" "CAR?" in a question.... Oh my gosh!! It was as if you spend all night dreaming of how to say the word and now you just won't stop. The last few days that is all that I have heard.... "CAR?" "CAR?" "CAR?" You will pick up a ball and say "Car?" It's just so cute. I guess my idea worked! I'm trying to think of the next word I'm going to teach you..... :)

In other news....You LOVE the vacuum cleaner. Pretty much obsessed with it. You want to touch it all the time when it is out, and you just seem to be in such awe. It's cute really. The big amazing, super duper vacuum thingie. :)

You are falling down about a thousand times a day now as you are getting bolder and bolder in your explorations. It's sad and funny all at the same time when you fall and I can't help but giggle a little at some of your funny stumbling moments. I never have been one for mercy when people fall down! :) You are just precious little one....

You want to be walking and you are sooooo close. They last couple days you have actually taken a step or two on your own in between couches or ottomans! You are right there munchkin. I wonder if you will be walking by your birthday??? That would be fun huh? You just take your precious time my sweetness.......Mommy is in NOOOO hurry! :)

We went for a walk today....actually TWO walks! It was SUCH a beautiful day today and you just love being outside. Earlier we met up with Elisha and baby Connor.... Connor is now 5 weeks old and so precious! I can't wait until he's big enough for you two to play. You guys will have some big fun together! Anyway....we walked around the block and then we went out again later in the day and happened across the neighborhood park where there were baby swings! I never knew they were there!! had your first swing on a real swing today!!! I was sooo mad that I didn't have my camera with me to document it well, but I did take a picture with my camera phone, so this is to document that "first moment." You face was absolutely PRICELESS. Your mouth was wide open in wonder and excitement for the first several minutes. You LOVED, and I mean LOVED the swing. I can't wait to take you back tomorrow. You were sooooo cute.

Well, mommy is sleepy so I'm off to bed, but know that I love you with my whole heart and I could never ask for more than you. You are all that I ever dreamed of and more. I love you!

Love, Mommy

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