Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sexy Again

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Ok, I've always, ALWAYS said that I would "SO not be that woman who doesn't do her hair or makeup when she has a baby. I will still care very much about how I look!" Uh..... Ok, so maybe I didn't completely understand the reasons why. Seriously, what is it about having babies and us becoming blah? Is it because we are so tired that even so much as combing our hair seems like too much energy? I swore I would still fix my hair every day. That was five months, two weeks and 1 day ago. You know how many times I've REALLY fixed it? Uh....maybe twice. I seem to be the "pony tail girl" all the time now. That, and Caden is at the age where he will yank every last hair out of my head if I DON'T wear it back. OUCH!!

Why bother is what I usually think? Half the time I'm staying home most the day to work, and play with my son, so this is the conversation that goes through my mind..."Do I really need to shower today? Is it worth the energy and time? Did I shower yesterday? I don't remember.... ) :) Hehehehe... If I'm not going out in public, the answer is usually no, I don't. Though, I have learned lately that I feel alot better when I do anyway.

These rough-looking Mama days have been hard for me lately. Even though I've never been a HIGH-maintenance girl, I did care what I looked like...I loved dressing up and feeling good about myself.

Since Caden, splurging on silly things like nail polish and fancy hair products, seems irrelevant. Even when I do get a cash surge, which is pretty much NEVER, the money usually needs to go to something else, and that something else wears a size small diaper, eats 2-3 cans of baby food a day, one can of formula a week, a LOTS of baby wipes...sheeesh!!! :)

However, it is TIME...I have hit that point!!! I'm sick of my "blahness!" I feel it’s appropriate now, for my mother-like self, with my shorts & T-shirts, pony-tailed hair and bare face, to De-Frump or De-Slump.

It is time to make a change, to get back to that sexy girl who felt confident when she walked down the street, the one who wore heels even though they hurt and wore lipstick even though it never lasted long.

That's it. I'm bringing sexy back. As soon as that next burst of energy strikes. So look out world cause here I come!! Woo hoo!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog is so funny! Somehow I missed reading it until today. I don't feeling like getting all fancied (is this a word?) up when the only person who sees me all day is a baby who doesn't know the difference! However, I do feel like a bum when Chris walks in the door after working hard all day and I look like I just crawled out of bed - which of course is not true! I've been up since 7am, I just don't look like it :) Therefore, I've decided to take the time to at least shower, run a comb through my hair and put on a little mascara and lip gloss so HE thinks I'm a natural beauty. :D
