Monday, July 16, 2007

My little travelin man

July 3rd, 2007

Hi, lovebug.

Last night I "woke" you up to have a bottle before I went to bed at midnight, and my heart swelled at your sweetness. You never open your eyes for these late night feedings... you just slurp away. Everything about you was so soft and it just made me ache. I cherish you, sweetest, sweetest boy.

Last week we made the trek to South Carolina to see your nana and poppa. I am still so amazed how well you do in the car. Not a single peep the whole six hours. How is it that you are so good?? It makes me nervous every time cause I feel that it can't possibly be as easy as a trip as the last time but you suprise me every time you get in that carseat. You are a first class traveling boy. Anyway.....we got to Nana and Poppa's and boy did we have fun! They were so amazed how much you've grown and matured in just a month. Your personality is developing at warp speed now–you are full of grins, babbles and curiousity. They just loved loving on you all week long. Papa showed you what "tools" were and you even tasted your first hammer! We had alot of fun taking funny and cute pictures of you..... Please don't be mad at me when you get older, but we did put you in a flower pot and also in a big pot on the stove. We even put you on a platter with vegetables all around you. (That was your nana's idea so you can have a talk with her later.) We got such a kick out of it and were laughing so hard the whole just looked soooo cute. By the end of our photo session you didn't appreciate us all too much so we decided to stop. I just love you!!!

Your papa had a company party and we took you to see your first fireworks display. I was a little nervous whether or not it was ok for you to be there, and if it would be too loud for you, but when the fireworks started I just put my hands over your ears and you stared into the sky just mesmerized. I'm not sure what all you could see, but it sure seemed like you enjoyed those fireworks as much as any of us! My gosh I hope I haven't hurt your precious little ear drums in any way. I just worry so much about are precious.

This past saturday we all went to the lake and you got your first taste of truly being a "nature man". I stripped you down to your birthday suit and took you swimming in the lake. Boy did you love that! You were kicking and splashing and just seemed in awe of the whole experience. You probably just loved being naked for so long!! We decided we needed to get some pictures of you sitting up on the Jet Ski so I went around to the other side and held you up so it looked like you were riding it on your own. It was soooo cute. There was a boat next to us full of people watching our "photo session" when all of the sudden nature called for my little munchkin. Before we knew it you were letting a little stream fly through the sky like a little drinking fountain. The people in the boat next to us starting clapping and cheering and we were laughing so much I could have drowned. :) Definately a hilarious moment....what a way to christen the new jet ski!! I'm so glad you love the water my little one....we are going to have some fun adventures in the future. I can't wait!!

You make me feel so crazy good it is hard to imagine my life without you now. What did I even do before you? I think I would be so lost without my little Caden. When you giggle, I feel like I'm hearing the voice of God. And then there's the goofy way that you try to slurp down a bottle and put your hands in your mouth at the same time. Occasionally you seem to get frustrated that you aren't eating fast enough, and I have to laugh at you. There is a video of a dog who attacks his own foot, apparently unaware that the foot is attached to its own body. When you have your hand in your mouth along with a bottle, you kind of remind me of that dog. It is as though you don't realize that your hand belongs to you and you can take it out of your mouth. Maybe you don't–who knows? Whatever the case, you are fantastically cute and I adore you.

Yep, I adore you. As I was telling your Auntie Rebecca yesterday, it's so nice to know that someone needs you so very much and looks up to you as your are a hero. You are my biggest fan....You think I'm funny, you love to look at me, you sing along with my ridiculous songs, and you fall asleep to my kisses all over your precious, dear face. I can't imagine the day when you won't like me this much. I try not to think about it too much because it makes me a little sad. The other thing that makes me a little sad is that you cannot possibly understand how much I love you. You just won't be able to until you have a child. It gives me a new appreciation for my parents for sure. I love them so much....and so will you little one!

You aren't going to remember all the fun we are having right now. I wish I could let you know that every single thing you do–from giggling to out and out sobbing, from falling asleep to splashing in the tub, from watching you in your bouncy seat to getting you out of your car seat when you are drowsy–every thing you do fills me with a joy I have never known before. I look forward to a life with you and consider myself the luckiest of all people to be your mommy.

You are on the perfect schedule now...I am so proud of my little man. You are so good that you are so predictable almost to the minute! You are my little clockwork baby. You eat and then an hour and a half later almost to the minute you are ready for a nap. If I'm not looking at the time you will get a little fussy at one minute past that time. When I put you down you just drift off to sleep so fast you are usually gone before I can even get out of the room. Of course I have to swaddle you or your arms flail around and wake you up....too cute. insist on being swaddled tight in your safe little cocoon. You never cry at all. You are definately a "self soother." Boy am I a proud mommy. You usually nap for an hour and a half or two hours and are ready for you next feeding when you wake up and you start all over again. It's been great because no matter where we are, someone's house, or out running around, I can put you on someone's bed, or pull the shade over your car seat, and off to la la land you go. You are such an adapting little tooper!!!

By the way my prince, you are deeply in love with your fist. You chew on it all the time these days and are drooling like a leaky faucet. My goodness can you get an outfit soaked in a matter of hours! Are you getting teeth at three months old? I think we are way off from that, I hope, but boy can you drool it up!!By the way, your three month birthday is in 5 days! I just can't believe it. I've always heard people say "Enjoy them while you can cause they grow up so fast" but I never knew how true that was. I just want to freeze you right where you are little guy.....I'm scared of you getting bigger cause I just love you so much right now in this stage, but at the same time I just cant WAIT for all the things to come and all the little stages you will go through. You mesmerize me every day and I just can't get enough of you. I love you!!!!!

I guess I've written enough for'll be waking from you nap any minute. I can't wait to hold you....

Love, Mommy

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